23 03 01 mangement buy shares

CEO, Lone Henriksen, CFO Gitte Lund Henriksen and COO Heidi Ahlefeldt-Laurvig buys shares in the Company

CS MEDICA A/S (“CS MEDICA” or the “Company”) announces today that CEO, Lone Henriksen, CFO Gitte Lund Henriksen and COO Heidi Ahlefeldt-Laurvig, has acquired in total 118.713 shares in CS MEDICA at an average price of DKK 3,98, amounting to a total value of 472.710 DKK including commission.

CEO of CS MEDICA, Lone Henriksen, has purchased 68.782 shares in the open market at an average price of DKK 4.10 per share, corresponding to a total purchase of 281.982 DKK including commission. The transaction has been disclosed in the Danish financial supervisory register. Following the transaction, Lone Henriksen owns 4.158.960 CS MEDICA shares.

CFO and board member of CS MEDICA, Gitte Lund Henriksen, has purchased 11.588 shares in the open market at an average price of DKK 4,33 per share, corresponding to a total purchase of 50.159 DKK including commission. Following the transaction, Gitte Lund Henriksen owns 4.051.188 CS MEDICA shares.

COO of CS MEDICA, Heidi Ahlefeldt-Laurvig, has purchased 38.343 shares in the open market at an average price of DKK 3,66 per share, corresponding to a total purchase of 140.569 DKK including commission. Following the transaction, Heidi Ahlefeldt-Laurvig owns 38.343 CS MEDICA shares.

For more information about CS MEDICA, please contact:
Lone Henriksen, CEO
Phone: + (45) 71 20 30 47
Email: lh@cs-medica.com
Website: https://www.cs-medica.com/

CS MEDICA A/S is a Danish-based MedTech company operating within research, development, manufacturing, commercializing, and a part of the pharmaceutical industry. The company combines science and nature with the purpose of creating products for a better every day by using modern technology to research and utilize different compounds found in the cannabis plant. CS MEDICA offers efficient, safe OTC alternative treatments for autoimmune and stress-related disorders under the trademark CANNASEN® or own label options.

The company is listed on Spotlight Stock Market in Stockholm (symbol: “CSMED”). more information, visit cs-medica.com, and LinkedIn.


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