2022 05 20 CFO buys shares

CFO Gitte Lund Henriksen buys more shares in the Company

CS MEDICA A/S (“CS MEDICA” or the “Company”) announces today that the CFO of the Company, Gitte Lund Henriksen, has today acquired 10 159 shares in CS MEDICA at a price of 5,88, amounting to a total value of 59 824,52 DKK including commission.

CFO and board member of CS MEDICA, Gitte Lund Henriksen, has purchased 10 159 shares in the open market at a price of DKK 5,88 per share, corresponding to a total purchase of 59 824,52 DKK including commission. The transaction has been disclosed in the Danish financial supervisory register. Following the transaction, Gitte Lund Henriksen owns 4 037 000 CS MEDICA shares.


For more information about CS MEDICA, please contact:
Gitte Lund Henriksen, CFO
Phone: + (45) 2774 2280
Email: glh@cs-medica.com
Website: https://www.cs-medica.com/

CS MEDICA A/S is a Danish medico cannabis company founded in 2011. CS MEDICA is committed to developing, manufacturing, and commercializing over-the-counter (OTC) medical device products containing cannabinoids. The Company runs its business through the two fully-owned subsidiaries, Galaxa Pharma A/S (distributor and representative of foreign manufacturers in the Nordic, registered medical device product distributor) and CanNordic A/S (Medical device developer and seller (BtB), registered medical device product manufacturer). CS MEDICA distributes products across the European borders and is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark.

The company is listed on Spotlight Stock Market in Stockholm (symbol: “CSMED”). For more information about CS MEDICA cs-medica.com.

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