23 01 30 Postponement webinar

Live-streamed session following the release of the Annual Report 2021/2022 is postponed to Wednesday, 1st of February at 15:00 – 15:30 CEST

As a result of the postponement of the Annual Report for 2021/2022 until today, Monday 30th January, CS MEDICA A/S postpones their webinar to ensure they meet the requests for adequate time to pre-read the report before the webinar. The webinar is hereby moved to Wednesday, 1st February 2023, at 15:00 – 15:30 CEST

CS MEDICA will publish its Annual report today, Monday, 30th of January 2023. The highlights of the report will be presented in a webinar at 15:00 CEST on Wednesday, the 1st of February.

Date and time
February 1, 2023, from 15:00 – 15:30 CEST

Webcast link
Live Webcast link >>.

For more information about CS MEDICA, please contact:
Gitte Lund Henriksen, CFO
Phone: + (45) 2774 2280
Email: glh@cs-medica.com
Website: https://www.cs-medica.com/

CS MEDICA A/S is a Danish-based MedTech combining science and nature with the purpose of creating products for a better every day. By using modern technology to research and utilize different compounds found in the cannabis plant, we create world-changing products that offer efficient, safe treatment of autoimmune and stress-related disorders. We research, develop, manufacture, commercialize and build brands to strengthen treatment options using the therapeutic value of cannabinoids and we are currently in the market with a product portfolio, featured under the trademark CANNASEN®. Covering product categories of Pain, Skin, Hair, Protect, and Night, we offer relief and treatment for Psoriasis, Arthritis, Pain, Wound, Protection (allergy and anti-virus), Hair loss, and Sleeping disorders.

Our OTC portfolio surpasses competitive products as we are selling CE-registered medical devices with cannabidiol under medical device regulations in Europe. Thereby we revolutionize both the cannabis and medical industry, bringing innovative products and technology to the market while improving people’s lives with products that make a difference.



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