23 01 30 notice general meeting

Notice of Shareholders’ Annual General Meeting

The shareholders of CS MEDICA A/S (”CS MEDICA” or the ”Company”) are hereby notified of the Annual General Meeting that will be held on Thursday February 14, 2023, at 15:00 CET, at the offices of the Company, Fruebjergvej 3, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. Shareholder will be entitled to vote by submitting postal vote forms prior to the meeting. Information about the resolutions passed at the meeting will be made public February 14, 2023 after the general meeting has been held.

The registration date is 7 February 2023. Only those who are shareholders on this date have the right to participate and vote at the general meeting.

In order to obtain physical access to the general meeting and thus to be able to participate in and vote at the general meeting, a shareholder must, no later than 2 days before the general meeting, request an admission card, cf. section 5.9 of the articles of association. Such request must be made to e-mail info@cs-medica.com. The request must be received no later than 12 February 2023, at 11.59 PM (CET). A shareholder has also the possibility of requesting an admission card for a proxy holder who attend the general meeting by meeting physically on behalf of the shareholder. The request must be made according to the above guidelines. The shareholder must fill in and sign the proxy and postal voting form, which can be found on the Company’s website www.cs-medica.com. The proxy must bring the admission card and the original form at the general meeting.

To be entitled to participate in the general meeting, shareholders whose shares are registered in the name of a nominee must temporarily re-register their shares in their own names in the share register. Such registration must be duly affected in the share register on 7 February 2023, and the shareholders must therefore advise their nominees well in advance of such date.

The shareholders have the right to ask questions in relation to the issues on the agenda to be discussed at the general meeting. The questions can be made in writing before the general meeting or at the general meeting. The answer will – with the limitations that follow from the legislation – if possible be made at the general meeting or be made available to the shareholders no later than two weeks after the general meeting.

All material mentioned in this notice can be obtained from Gitte Lund Henriksen, e-mail glh@cs-medica.com. The material will only be forwarded by e-mail, and thus the e-mail address must be specified.

1.   Election of chairman of the meeting.

2.   Presentation of the annual report with auditors’ report for adoption.

3.   Resolution concerning the appropriation of losses as recorded in the adopted annual report.

4.   Election of members to the board of directors.

5.   Election of the Company’s auditor.

6.   Authorization to the board of directors to issue incentive warrants up to 5% of the current share capital

7.   Change of the financial year to the calendar year

8.   Any other business

The total number of votes as of the date of this notice is 12,322,635.

2. Presentation of the annual report with auditors’ report for adoption.
The annual report as approved by the board of directors will be presented to the general meeting for approval.

3. Resolution concerning the appropriation of losses as recorded in the adopted annual report.
The board of directors proposes that the result for the period 1 October 2021 – 30 September 2022 (DKK – 10.802.971) is carried forward to the following year.

4. Election of members to the board of directors.
Stein Lokstad will resign from the board.  No new board members will currently be elected.

5. Election of auditor.
The board of directors proposes that the existing auditor (Christensen Kjærulff Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab) is re-elected.

6. Authorization for the board of directors to issue incentive warrants up to 5% of the current share capital
The board of directors proposes that the general meeting authorises the board of directors to issue warrants to the Company’s board of directors, executive management and ordinary employees. The authorization shall be valid for a period of 5 years from the date of the extraordinary general meeting. The board of directors shall be authorized to issue warrants corresponding to nominally DKK 40,040 shares (which is equal to approx. 5% of the Company’s current share capital). The autorisation shall be adopted in the Company’s articles of association.

7.   Change of the financial year to the calendar year
The board of directors proposes that the Company’s financial year (i.e. October 1 – September 30) is changed to the calender year. The conversion period will be from 1 October 2023 to 31 December 2023. The Company’s articles of association shall be amended accordingly.



On behalf of the board of directors
Jørgen Flemming Ladefoged, chairman

For more information about CS MEDICA, please contact:
Gitte Lund Henriksen, CFO
Phone: + (45) 2774 2280
Email: glh@cs-medica.com
Website: https://www.cs-medica.com/

CS MEDICA A/S is a Danish-based MedTech combining science and nature with the purpose of creating products for a better every day. By using modern technology to research and utilize different compounds found in the cannabis plant, we create world-changing products that offer efficient, safe treatment of autoimmune and stress-related disorders. We research, develop, manufacture, commercialize and build brands to strengthen treatment options using the therapeutic value of cannabinoids and we are currently in the market with a product portfolio, featured under the trademark CANNASEN®. Covering product categories of Pain, Skin, Hair, Protect, and Night, we offer relief and treatment for Psoriasis, Arthritis, Pain, Wound, Protection (allergy and anti-virus), Hair loss, and Sleeping disorders.

Our OTC portfolio surpasses competitive products as we are selling CE-registered medical devices with cannabidiol under medical device regulations in Europe. Thereby we revolutionize both the cannabis and medical industry, bringing innovative products and technology to the market while improving people’s lives with products that make a difference.

The company is listed on Spotlight Stock Market in Stockholm (symbol: “CSMED”). For more information about CS MEDICA cs-medica.com.



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