23 05 17 Q2

Publication of Q2 2022/2023 report & invitation to live-streamed conference on May 24, at 10 AM CET

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CS MEDICA (”CS MEDICA” or the ”Company”) hereby publishes its Q2 report for the period January – Marts 2023. Highlights of the Quarter will be presented at a live-streamed conference on Wednesday, May 24 at 10 AM CET. The Q2 report is available as an attached document to this press release and on the Company’s website (www.cs-medica.com). Below is a summary of the report.

Financial highlights for Q2 2022/2023

  • In this second quarter of 2022/2023 (January – March 2023), CS MEDICA received orders corresponding to mDKK 1.9, which together with the orders from Q1, mDKK 1.1, total mDKK 3.0, currently in production with delivery planned for Q3 and Q4 of 2022/2023. Following the macroeconomic challenges, CS MEDICA is facing a production period of 3-6 months, followed by a local legislation window of 1 to 8 months, depending on the region. On top of that CS MEDICA has experienced a lack of stock, and delays with own-label packaging design, resulting in new orders expected for delivery and invoicing in the second quarter of 2023 have been postponed to the third quarter of 2022/2023. Consequently, the net sales for this quarter amounted to only tDKK 251 (94).
  • Operating profit for the first quarter amounted to tDKK -4.231 (-4.857). The cost mainly consisted of costs for new design and production startup, administrative- and staff costs.
  • Cash and Cash equivalents at the end of the second Quarter of 2022/2023, total tDKK 29 (1.848) are subsequently reinforced with a loan and credit from the two founders and family of tDKK 3.000.  With this in place and in combination with the factoring agreement with Svea, the liquidity in the day-to-day operation is secured.
  • The long-term funding is attained by the company’s agreement with Inner Mongolia RongShi Hi-Tech Co., Ltd., which now is finalized after a year-long negotiation about a cash capital increase (direct issue) at a price of DKK 28.13. The direct issue amounts to mDKK 60 corresponding to 14.76% of CS MEDICA ‘s outstanding shares on a non-diluted basis and secured alongside the establishment of a joint venture in Ordos, Inner Mongolia.
  • At the end of the period, CS MEDICA’s equity/asset ratio was 70% (84%).

Live streamed conference following the Q2 2022/2023 Report
On Wednesday 24 May 2023 at 10:00 CEST, CS MEDICA will host a Q2 2023 web conference. The web conference will start with a presentation from the management team commenting on the Q2 2022/2023 report, followed by a Q&A session where the management team will answer questions from investors. The Q&A is already open, meaning that you can already now submit your questions and vote for the best questions submitted by other investors. CS MEDICA has made this new solution, operated by Stokk.io, available to make sure all interested can participate with their questions even though they may not be able to attend the event live. You will afterward be able to find all answers in the uploaded recording and transcript. The web conference will be held in English.

Please register, submit questions now or during the live presentation and vote for the best questions at the following link >>.

Agenda for the Event

  • Presentation of the Q2 2022/2023 Report
  • Status of MDR and JV
  • Outlook for 2022/2023
  • Q&A pre-send

Date and time
Wednesday 24th of May, 2023, from 10:00 – 10:30 PM CET

Sign up for conference
Live conference sign-up link >>.


For more information about CS MEDICA, please contact:
Gitte Lund Henriksen, CFO
Phone: + (45) 2774 2280
Email: glh@cs-medica.com
Website: https://www.cs-medica.com/

CS MEDICA A/S is a Danish-based MedTech company operating within research, development, manufacturing, commercializing, and a part of the pharmaceutical industry. The company combines science and nature with the purpose of creating products for a better every day by using modern technology to research and utilize different compounds found in the cannabis plant. CS MEDICA offers efficient, safe OTC alternative treatments for autoimmune and stress-related disorders under the trademark CANNASEN® or own label options.

The company is listed on Spotlight Stock Market in Stockholm (symbol: “CSMED”). more information, visit cs-medica.com, and LinkedIn.


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